=== Amazon Autoposter ===
Contributors: thoefter
Tags: amazon,affiliate,autoposter,auto,automatically,amazon.com
Requires at least: 2.6
Tested up to: 2.7.1
Stable tag: 1.0
Automatically post products from Amazon.com to your blog and earn affiliate commission!
== Description ==
Amazon Autoposter is a free and easy to use plugin for Wordpress weblogs that allows users to post products from Amazon.com on their blog automatically and earn money using Amazon’s affiliate program.
* Create good-looking product posts on keywords you choose!
* Schedule up to 15 product posts at the same time.
* Possibility to add excerpts of Amazon products reviews as comments to your product posts, meaning even more content!
* Many customizable options i.e. time span between scheduled posts, length of product description and use of Amazon’s thumbnail image.
Amazon Autoposter has only been tested with the newest Wordpress 2.7 but it will probably also work with earlier versions. Just give it a try! Your host will however need to have cURL enabled for it to work.
Plugin Homepage: http://lunaticstudios.com/software/wp-amazon-autoposter/
== Installation ==
* Upload the file "amazonautoposter.php" to the "wp-content/plugins" folder of your Wordpress installation.
* Activate the plugin in your Admin panel.
* Go to Settings -> Amazon Autoposter to use the plugin.
* Set the options and enter your Amazon affiliate ID
* Enter a keyword and hit "Post!" to start posting products
Download Here http://www.mediafire.com/?0wmxlmpfjx3